Wednesday, February 1, 2012

TX Power House Tv Cypher Pt. 2 (Austin, Tx)

It's always good to see Hip Hop artists from Austin come together and make a beautiful moment in hip hop for the city. Check out this Cypher brought to you by the good people at Powerhouse Media. Shout out to Tosin (@DotComDon) on the intro, Mr. Blakes on the cameo (@BavuBlogs) and DJ Hella Yella (@DJHellaYella) on the mix.

Follow the artists in this video in cypher order here - Gerald G (@GeraldGMr512), Tuk (@TukCOD), Pimpin' Pen (@Pimpin_Pen), Cory Kendrix (@CoryKendrix), Big JD (@Sertified), Kydd (@KyDdLns)

1 comment:

  1. dont forget haris the territ aka @youngallah on the beat


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